Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How Exam ~ Affect Students - Mental Health ?


How exams affect students mental health?


1.   How do exams affect students mental health?

2.   What are the symptoms of exam stress?

3.   How Does exam stress affect students?

4.   How do you handle exam pressure?

5.   How can we prevent exam stress?

6.   How can students relieve stress?


     How do exams affect students mental health?

Exam stress can lead to many different mental illnesses, like depression and anxiety, panic attacks, low self-esteem, self-harming and suicidal thoughts and worsening of pre-existing mental health conditions.

Is mental health becoming a serious issue in exam students

According to school report of BBC It has become an increasingly worrying issue that the contents of the new exams has burdened students with an abundance of unnecessary stress, which may have a detrimental effect on their mental health, both now and in the future. With 29% of the 201 teen suicides in 2014 taking place whilst waiting for exam results, or the exams themselves, (information from a report on the BBC website), the focus is now on creating a positive place to air issues and concerns.

People are beginning to try and tackle this issue in many different ways. A good example of this is the ‘Gregathlon’, in which Greg James will be completing several challenges: including climbing the three highest peaks in the UK and cycling the 500 miles between them. So far, Greg has raised a mountainous amount of £739,425! Since last year, the money raised by Sport Relief has helped by funding more than 50,000 adults and young people in full time education living in the UK with mental health problems.

Having interviewed a current 6th form student who is now doing her A-level courses. But this interview talks about their perspective on the GCSE’s when they were in Year 11.

Do you think students are being supported enough throughout exams?

“I think there is support within school, however it isn’t necessarily accessible to students who aren’t already registered within the student welfare system and if there is access to it you have to wait a while and often you can only see them once because of their schedule.”

Do you think the amount of stress put on students with the new exam system is fair?

“I think that the amount of stress put onto students is unnecessary but it also depends on your home life because personally my parents didn’t put much stress on me but I know that some students have the added stress from their parents. As for teachers, I think especially if you are a high achiever, the teachers put more pressure on you. Even if they try not to, there’s always an expectation for you to achieve a certain amount.”

     What are the symptoms of exam stress?

Symptoms of exam stress may include:

1.   Losing touch with friends and the activities you enjoy.

2.   Feeling moody, low or overwhelmed.

3.   Having trouble making decisions.

4.   Losing your appetite or over eating.

5.   Sleeping poorly and struggling to get out of bed.

6.   Difficulty getting motivated to start studying.

7.   Tense muscles or headaches.

Practical ideas to help with study

1.   Go to bed at a reasonable time, eat regularly and make time to have fun and exercise.

2.   Cut back on energy drinks, coffee or any other stimulants as these can make you feel agitated; drink water instead.

3.   When you eat, relax and allow yourself time rather than carrying on with work.

4.   Avoid junk food–it provides a sudden burst of energy which will disappear, leaving you feeling worn out.

5.   Eat a well-balanced diet.

6.   Reward yourself when you achieve your study goals, such as watching an episode of your favourite TV show or going for a run.

7.   Allow yourself time to rest.

8.   Stay focused on your study; try not to get distracted.

     How Does exam stress affect students?

In fact, students who struggle with test anxiety typically fall a half a letter grade below their peers. In addition to academic impacts, text anxiety can affect a student's mental health, including lowered self-esteem, confidence, and motivation.

An upcoming test or exam can be a stressful time for any student.

Many students experience some amount of stress and anxiety before and during exams. However, test anxiety is more severe, and can actually impair learning and hurt test performance.

Because of this, it’s important to know how to identify test anxiety in your child so he or she can learn how to deal with it.

Keep reading to learn more about test anxiety and how it can affect students.


1.   The pressure of timed tests

2.   Intimidation of taking tests in a crowded classroom

3.   Poor study skills or a lack of preparedness

4.   A history of stress related to test taking

5.   Lack of understanding of the material

6.   Previous poor test performance

     How do you handle exam pressure?

7 tips to help you cope with exam stress

1.  Remember to breathe.

2.  Eat, sleep and exercise well.

3.  Set realistic goals.

4.  Don't go it alone.

5.  Pace yourself through panic.

6.  Believe in yourself.

7.  If you feel like you are struggling, talk to someone.

A little stress can be a good thing: it can be the motivational push that we need to get things done. However, sometimes, dealing with stress (especially during exam season) can be a difficult thing to do. And, with an estimated 20-50% annual increase of university students seeking help for studies-related mental health issues, it's clear that we're under more pressure than ever before. So, here to your rescue are seven tips to help you through the stressful exam period.

     How can we prevent exam stress?

quick ways to help eliminate exam stress

1.   Watch a film, a TV show or listen to a podcast or comedian that makes you laugh.

2.   Drink some herbal tea or a hot chocolate.

3.   A shower or a bath can help to relieve stress.

4.   Cook or bake something.

5.   Get some sleep.

6.   Keep things in perspective.

7.   Avoid other stressed people.

Exam season can bring on levels of stress and burnout that can hinder your studies. Here are some handy tips on how to manage your anxiety

Exam stress affects most students in varying ways. It is important to manage this stress and find little ways of helping to eliminate the risk of burnout.

For some students, exams can be a breeze; revision is second nature to them and they could ace an exam with their eyes closed. But for others, sweaty palms and heart palpitations are just a part of the territory, and it seems that nothing is more impossible than sitting down and revising. Here are some handy tips that can help to dissipate stress and make sure you can get through exam season.

     How can students relieve stress?

These options are relatively easy, quick, and relevant to a student's life and types of stress.

1.   Get Enough Sleep.

2.   Practice Visualization.

3.   Exercise Regularly.

4.   Take Calming Breaths.

5.   Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

6.   Listen to Music.

7.   Get Organized.

8.   Eat a Healthy Diet.

Most students experience significant amounts of stress, and this stress can take a significant toll on health, happiness, and grades. For example, a study by the American Psychological Association (APA) found that teens report stress levels similar to that of adults.

That means teens are experiencing significant levels of chronic stress, and that they feel their levels of stress generally exceed their ability to cope effectively. Roughly 30% report feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or sad because of it.1

Stress can affect health-related behaviors like sleep patterns, diet, and exercise as well, taking a larger toll. Given that nearly half of APA survey respondents reported completing three hours of homework per night in addition to their full day of school work and extracurriculars, this is understandable.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency

 Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin (₿) is a cryptocurrency invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto and started in 2009 when its implementation was released as open-source software.

It is a decentralized digital currency without a central bank or single administrator that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining. They can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. Research produced by the University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017, there were 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet, most of them using bitcoin.

Bitcoin has been criticized for its use in illegal transactions, the large amount of electricity used by miners, price volatility, and thefts from exchanges. Some economists, including several Nobel laureates, have characterized it as a speculative bubble at various times. Bitcoin has also been used as an investment, although several regulatory agencies have issued investor alerts about bitcoin.


cryptocurrency (or crypto currency or crypto for short) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership. 

It typically does not exist in physical form (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority. Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currency and central banking systems. When a cryptocurrency is minted or created prior to issuance or issued by a single issuer, it is generally considered centralized. When implemented with decentralized control, each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.

Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Since the release of bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies have been created.

But now Bitcoin has its own separate identity, so Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency have different points which end in the same digital currency.



Bitcoin is the digital currency that utilizes cryptocurrency and it is controlled by the decentralized authority which is not like the government-issued currencies.

Cryptocurrency refers to the technology that acts as a medium for facilitating the conduct of the different financial transactions which are safe and secure.


 What is cryptocurrency technology?

Cryptocurrency is the technology that acts as the medium for conducting financial transactions.

From the creation of units to final verification of the transaction being made, cryptocurrency provides that safe and secure platform for transactions with the help of cryptography technology.

Cryptocurrency is a kind of digital currency that is virtual and doesn’t have a physical form. It works on decentralized control which doesn’t have any central banking systems. This makes it easier for cryptocurrencies to work with distributed ledgers.

With distributed ledgers that provide peer-to-peer transactions and the transparency of providing transaction details to the public, cryptocurrency technologies have now become a force to be recognized all around the world.

Initially, it was only used for digital transactions, but now it is used for trading almost anything through the internet. It has become a very huge success that many companies around the world are using them.

Some top-level companies are also investing a lot of money to make the process even simpler with advanced safety and security measures thereby helping the cryptocurrency to develop at an astonishing rate.


       Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency

Basis for comparison



Main Aim

To simplify and increase the speed of transactions without much of government restrictions.

To provide low cost, safe and secure transactions.


Bitcoin is limited to trading by using it as a currency.

There are a lot of cryptocurrencies that are used for trading as well.


Bitcoin is the most popular bitcoin.

The number of cryptocurrencies has increased but their share is still less than Bitcoin.


Bitcoin focuses on lowering the cost of influencers and reduce the time of transactions but is less flexible,

Cryptocurrency aims at the exchange of goods and services is a safe and secure environment with very little or no government and middleman interference.


Bitcoin likes to be anonymous and hence even though we can see their transactions in the ledger, they are meaningless numbers that are not in any particular sequence.

A lot of cryptocurrencies that came recently are following transparency in their transactions and hence they are able to work with a lot of other industries.


Bitcoin being the first cryptocurrency has a head start over other cryptocurrency technologies. Since then, a lot of cryptocurrencies have come and some are even specializing in a few sectors.

The most important thing is competition. Due to heavy competition, cryptocurrencies are continually improving themselves and the technologies that they are using. This paves the way for a lot of innovation and improved performance and security measures.

Bitcoin may have had a greater chunk of share in the sector initially. But with the introduction of new cryptocurrencies and sophisticated & transparent technologies, the gap is diminishing as every day passes. Soon, this market will also become more dispersed with the cryptocurrency that provides the maximum value being at the top.


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