Friday, December 18, 2020



Change Yourself If You Want            To Be Rich 


Having multiple streams of income means that a person is receiving income from several residual or passive income streams at once. Residual or passive income is income that a person earns without directly putting in work.

While they may have to put in some up-front work, they do not need to put in direct work in order to make an income. In other words, they could go on vacation and that rental property or online products can continue to make money for them.

Most people who have passive income streams have found that once they have one income source up and running, it is easier for them to create multiple income sources. These are often referred to as multiple streams of income. Check out additional small business finance information.

- Try affiliate marketing and make sales

- Put your photography to work on the web

- Write an eBook

- Invest in real estate/ Invest in real estate investment trusts (REITs)

- Become a business silent partner

- Rent out unused space with Airbnb

- Try out index funds

- Make YouTube videos


Professional success is important to everyone, but still, success can and does (and definitely should) mean different things to different people.

But one fact is universal. Real success, the kind that exists on multiple levels, is impossible without building great relationships. Real success is impossible unless you treat other people with kindness, regard, and respect. After all, you can be a rich jerk... but you will also be a lonely jerk.

- They help without having to be asked

- They take the undeserved hit

- They truly think of others

- They step up when they have acted poorly

- They know when to dial it back

- They value the message by always valuing the messenger

- They start small... and are sometimes happy to stay small


There are essentially two strategies for boosting savings and investments: Increase your income and cut your spending.

Whether you’re a young adult ready to start saving for retirement, a 50-something ready to pay off your mortgage or a senior citizen living on a fixed income, these tips can help you build savings, reduce debt, boost income and invest wisely.

- Pay yourself first

- Save for emergencies

- Spend less, save more

- Lose a habit, gain some savings

- Get creative making more money

- Get creative making more money

- Allocate your assets

- Understand investment costs

- Stick to an investment plan

- Don’t be afraid to ask for help


A lot of people say that thinking big is the key to accomplishing your biggest or most complicated goals, but it’s hard to know where to start. Giving yourself some time to sit down and really think about what you want to accomplish is just the first part of thinking big. Creating a plan that you can follow up on, and staying motivated while you tackle your goals a little at a time can help you make a big thought a reality.

- Using Your Imagination

       * Schedule thinking time

       * Entertain the impossible

       * Step outside your comfort zone

- Setting Goals

       * Set attainable goals

       * Break up your goal in steps

       * Set deadlines for your goals

       * Don’t do it alone

       * Work consistently

- Staying Motivated

        * Develop a support system

        * Celebrate small victories

        * Don’t be afraid of failure

NOTE:- Being Rich Is Not Only About Money.....


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Google Glass-like device is Help people with memory problems.   The google Glass project met a sad demise a few years ago, but its applica...